
Wolfson Dining Hall, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, UK

dpa lighting consultants have undertaken an architectural lighting scheme to re-light the interior of the 1970’s Wolfson Dining Hall, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Working in association with gbs Architects of Oxford, dpa produced a creative lighting scheme to coincide with the multi-functional activities that were held within the space.

The lighting was based upon a series of layers that provided definition to the principal architectural characteristics. Of particular note were the perimeter arches, wooden panels, and the colour change LED uplit acoustic handkerchiefs that followed the sinuous geometry to the vaulted ceiling. A lowered suspended ceiling system, providing a more human scale to the space, was designed to incorporate metal halide (daytime dining) and low voltage tungsten halogen downlights (evening dining) within the square nodes.

The suspended ceiling arches were expressed with luminaires located in the sides of the node. Suspended cylinders housing a narrow beam downlight and the LED uplights to the ceiling were bespoke lighting components specifically designed for the project.

Client: St Edmund Hall, Oxford
Architects: Gray Baynes + Shew, Oxford
Photography: dpa lighting consultants